Sunday, March 18, 2018

Self care for Social Workers: Interview with Erlene Grise-Owens, Justin “Jay” Miller, and Mindy Eaves

[Episode 118] In today’s episode, I talk to Erlene Grise-Owens, Justin “Jay” Miller, and Mindy Eaves, the editors of the TThe A-to-Z Self-Care Handbook for Social Workers and Other Helping Professionals, published by The New Social Worker Press. My guests debunk some self-care myths and they share some of the guidelines about making self-care a practice.  My guests not only talk about what self-care is and is not, but they also model it. We talk about SMART self-care plans, about how being active is not the same as being athletic, about how personal self-care requires professional self-care and that professional self-care affects organizational wellness and that organizational wellness affects professional self-care.

If you like what you hear, check out their book The A-to-Z Self-Care Handbook for Social Workers and Other Helping Professionals, published by The New Social Worker Press. If you want a deeper dive into self-care, Erlene and Jay are doing a webinar for the New Social Worker magazine: Self-Care Wellshop™: Foundations & Fundamentals on March 21, 2018.

Download MP3 [51:56]

Monday, March 5, 2018

Happy Social Work Month 2018

[Episode 117] Hey there podcast listeners, Jonathan here.  It is March 5th, 2018 and that means we’re on day 5 of #SWMonth 2018.

For the past 4 years, since 2014, The New Social Worker Magazine has celebrated Social Work Month by publishing inspired and insightful reflections.  One of the things I like best about the poems, essays, and reflections at is that they are great for sharing with folks that might not understand what social workers do. Linda Grobman, the social work pioneer and award winning publisher of New Social Worker gets some of the profession’s best known or most profound thinkers to share their wisdom as part of this series.

This year I was honored and humbled to receive an invitation from Linda to submit a short piece for Social Work Month. True, the invitation was addressed to “Dr. Brené Brown, University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work,” but nevertheless I accepted. Linda is such a good sport that she didn’t have the great daring to rise strong and tell me that I had received the invitation by mistake. And I kinda feel bad that if there isn’t a contribution from Brené this year it is basically my fault. But, I mean, what are you gonna do? Opportunities like this don’t come around often.

Linda publishes a new piece every day during social work month at You can read my contribution, Open Letter to Social Work Professors Who Love Social Work Month, starting today. You can also hang out for another 15 seconds and hear the recorded version, which I did with Linda’s full support. So, check out the New Social Worker website and their excellent Facebook group, SW Podcast Facebook group will have lots of goodies this month, as will NASW and your favorite social work organizations. Ok. Here’s my piece (please click on this link to read essay: Open Letter to Social Work Professors Who Love Social Work Month).

Download MP3 [6:33]

APA (6th ed) citation for this podcast:

Singer, J. B. (Producer). (2018, March 5). #117 - Happy Social Work Month 2018 [Audio Podcast]. Social Work Podcast. Retrieved from