The first poll asked visitors to the Social Work Podcast website, "What is the ideal length for a Social Work Podcast?" Over a 2 week period (Wednesday September 26 - Tuesday, October 9, 2007), 43 visitors took the poll. Visitors had the option to chose from five answers:
- less than 5 minutes
- less than 10 minutes
- less than 20 minutes
- less than 30 minutes
- As long as it needs to be
I was surprised by the results. Only one respondent thought that ideal length for a Social Work Podcast was less than five minutes. In contrast, an equal number of respondents believed that Social Work Podcasts should be less than 10, 20 or 30 minutes (8, 7 and 8 respectively). The runaway favorite for ideal length? "As long as it needs to be" with 19 votes, or 44% of the respondents.
So, what do I make of these results? I like to think that the average listener to the Social Work Podcast is interested in learning something that will improve his or her social work skills, so the podcast should be as long as it needs to be in order for that to happen. However, more people voted for podcasts to be less than 30 minutes than for "as long as it needs to be," which suggests that I better get my point across in under 30 minutes if I expect people to listen.
Note: This is not a scientific poll: there is no way to determine how many people decided not to vote, nor is there a way to determine if a respondent voted multiple times. Just for the record, I did not vote.
Thanks for helping me figure out what you like and what you don't like. While browser preference is somewhat useful, your answers to these questions will ultimately help me make the podcast as useful as I can. So, please visit the Social Work Podcast to participate in the next poll will be available October 12 - October 24: "What do you use to listen to the Social Work Podcast?"
APA (5th ed) citation for this podcast:
Singer, J. B. (Host). (2007, October 11). Results of the first Social Work Podcast poll. [Episode 25]. Social Work Podcast. Podcast retrieved Month Day, Year, from http://socialworkpodcast.com/2007/12/results-of-first-social-work-podcast.html
1 comment:
A very smart and diplomatic answer. It is really appreciable and generous
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